About Artist IsaB in her own words

Isabelle explains her background and experiences that conceived customised mural stories


“Since I was little I would think and talk in colours. I thought it explained everything more clearly.  As a teenager I would paint everything that I could get my hands on, the most beautiful furniture, walls, everything…I think my parents would have preferred something different.:) So it was obvious I would follow an artistic training.

In my managing and coaching career, later on, I learned to listen to people, let a person be their own person and really try to guide them so that they could grow in their own careers. With that experience, plus my background of yoga and reiki, I have thrown everything together. A love for colours and light, knowing that they have an infinite amount to offer, being stimulated by people and their environment all form a part of isaB and of me.

Colours, movement, texture and light give me the chance to make each room yours. Listening to your story and being able to bring it to your home, restaurant, hotel or office has become my mission.  Providing people and places with their own story on their own wall, based on their own personality, colour choices and the right light is a privilege.”


Click to see previous examples of isaB’s wall murals, artwork panels and art